Sunday, October 28, 2012

Nazis, CIA Agents, and Obamacare

Officials in Germany want to have a Pennsylvania man charged with war crimes. He was a prison guard at Auschwitz - one of the most notorious Nazi death camps during World War II. The 87 year-old man admits this, but argues that he did not take part in gassing the Jews.

We cry out that this man should be tried and convicted of unspeakable horrors. Even if he wasn't personally responsible for deaths, he should have stopped it. His conscience should have demanded action.

Recently, CIA interrogators used questionable methods to gain information they believed was vital to fight the war on terror. One of these methods was "water boarding".

Many people say these CIA agents should be tried and convicted for their actions. Excuses that they were "just following orders" and the "ends justified the means" do not make them innocent. Their consciences should have made them stop and question their tactics.

We all hold firmly to the belief that you and I have a responsibility to follow our conscience and prevent "wrongdoing" or "horrific actions" when we see them occur. We believe that people should be held accountable for their actions even if they were "just following the law". In short we believe in the duty, or responsibility, of conscience.

This is such a strong belief in America that we have laid clear boundaries respecting the right of conscience - the flip side of the responsibility of conscience. Since the founding of this nation, we have valued the right of individuals to follow their conscience even when it violated a law or statute. There are conscientious objectors who did not have to serve in the military when we had a draft. Amish students are exempt from truancy laws after a certain age. And up until recently, nurses could not be forced to participate in abortions if it violated their conscience.

We have long understood that we are ultimately accountable to God and society for our actions, good or evil, regardless of what the law requires. We resonate with the warning given by James, the half-brother of Jesus, "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins."

But the right of conscience has been challenged. In February 2011, the Obama administration revoked the right of conscience for healthcare workers to "opt out" of procedures they found morally questionable. Then earlier this year, the administration refused to extend the right of conscience to individuals providing health care coverage for their employees. Employers MUST now provide government defined insurance coverage even if that includes procedures and medication that violates the provider's conscience.

But that forces us into a dilemma: We can't deny the rights of conscience to medical workers and insurance providers, and at the same time hold former Nazi guards and CIA agents responsible to what we think their conscience should have demanded. We must choose.

Choice #1: We can grant the right of conscience to anyone who claims it, and retain the right to hold individuals accountable to their conscience when they make choices that are obviously evil.

Choice #2: We can deny the right of conscience to individuals to who claim it, and lose the right to hold ex-Nazi guards and CIA agents accountable.

We cannot have it both ways. Having it both ways would be what the founders called "tyranny" - the arbitrary exercise of power.

A consistent, stable society requires recognition of the rights of conscience. Without that right, we will be reduced to tyranny.

The right of conscience must be defended vigorously, even when we disagree with those claiming it. If we deny the rights of conscience to others, it will not be there when we need it, even when facing death camps and water boarding. If we are to defend the right of conscience then we must repeal and replace Obamacare and encourage our President to repeal Executive Orders that strip medical professionals of this basic constitutional right.

On November 6th you have the opportunity to defend the right of conscience by voting for people who understand and who will defend that right. No one else can do it for you.

The choice is yours. Choose well.

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Friday, October 5, 2012

The Real Mike Pence

Mike Pence’s challenger for governor has some pretty humorous ads on TV, but they paint a twisted cartoon image of a man I know and respect. If all you know about Mike Pence is what you see in attack ads or what you hear from canned talking points, then I'd like to introduce you to the real Mike Pence.

Mike first successfully ran for Congress shortly after my young family moved to New Castle. It w
as refreshing to see a positive campaign amid a sea of partisan mudslinging. From a distance Mike looked friendly and competent. In 2004 the Ferrells went to Washington D.C. for the first time and got to see Mike up-close.

My daughters, my wife, and I were taking an elevator to the floor where Mike's office was located; it was his fourth year in office. As we stepped off the elevator Mike was waiting to take the elevator back down. I whispered to my girls, "That's our congressman." Mike heard me and stepped out of the elevator, letting it move to another floor without him. He spent the next several minutes talking to Kaitie and Emily. It was then that I became a Pence supporter.

Since then I have attended town hall meetings and observed a congressman who was there primarily to listen. And I saw something else. Mike stood up against his fellow Republicans and a Republican President when they were spending more than a healthy budget could afford. Mike has gently shut down people making personal attacks on the current President, even though he disagrees with nearly every policy position of the current administration.

I've volunteered for the congressman since 2010 and have seen the integrity with which he and his staff conduct themselves. The vision statement for his campaign is "to glorify God through public service." Their tactics include modeling a servant attitude and promoting positive ideas. When my father passed away in the spring of 2011, the Pence staff sent me one of the most meaningful cards of support that included several prayers and encouraging scripture verses. And in what seems like a throwback to an earlier generation, they do not schedule events on Sunday.

Recently, Mike prayed with a group of volunteers before sending them on their various routes home. I've even seen him lunge to catch a toddler falling from her father's shoulders, even though Mike was scheduled for knee surgery the very next day.

The Mike Pence I know is a man of integrity who loves God, loves his family, and loves to serve the people he represents. He is highly effective, widely respected, and committed to a positive campaign that champions good jobs, great schools, safe streets, and strong families. Mike is far from the cartoon character that some people draw. He's a seasoned leader and will make an excellent Governor of Indiana.

You can find me on FACEBOOK at my Facebook Page ( Here's a link to my Page ( Thanks for reading!