Fifteen years ago I was in a Coordinating Council meeting at church. It was a Monday night. I can't remember what we were discussing, but at the time it seemed very important. Little did we know that tomorrow morning our part of the world would change forever.
Tuesday morning four planes altered their original course for new destinations. Three found their targets, one fell short in a field in Pennsylvania.
Within minutes all of the contrails disappeared from the sky. Questions erupted like spring dandelions. Who did it? Why did they do it? Were there more to come?
On that Monday there was no TSA. There was no national police force called Homeland Security. There was no Patriot Act. We are more secure now, but we've bought that security by selling some of our freedom.
On Monday we were mostly focused on our own lives and our own interests. After Tuesday we looked at strangers on the street or in the grocery store more closely - not in suspicion but to give an encouraging smile or nod. We held the door for others more frequently. The pews in churches were more full, as were the military recruiting centers.
A lot has happened in 15 years. A lot happened between Monday night and Tuesday morning. What does our tomorrow hold? We won't know till we get there. The world could look very different.
So say what you need to say to the people you love. Look strangers in the eye and give them an encouraging nod and a smile. Hold the door for others. Look at the sky and enjoy creation. Look at your life and enjoy your freedom. Pray for your nation and those protecting it. Pray for first responders - those who run toward danger, those who open the doors without knowing what's behind them. Hug your family and friends.
Life is unpredictable. Live intentionally.
God is good. Love unconditionally.
The choice is yours ... choose well.