Sunday, January 29, 2017

God's Got This Too

Exactly 22 months ago today, after an interview with George Stephanopoulos, many of the "talking heads" and political elites pronounced then Gov. Mike Pence's career dead. A few days later I joined his staff.
It amazes me, as I reflect on this part of my journey, how God had a plan all along. The pundits and the politicians (friend & foe) didn't have a clue. Then again, neither did any of the rest of us. But God knew.
It's just another reminder for me, and maybe for you too, that no matter the prognosis, no matter the "disaster" that just occurred, no matter how unlikely it might seem, no matter how dire the future looks right now ... God's got this too.
There is only One who knows what your tomorrow looks like. He loves you. You can trust him.

You can find me on FACEBOOK at my Facebook Page ( Here's a link to my Page ( Thanks for reading!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

I am tired … more than that, I am weary

I am tired … more than that, I am weary.
I am weary of brothers and sisters in Christ (people who should know better – who do know better) who easily abandon bedrock principles of Christianity to attack or defend someone they have never met, simply because they are on one side (or the other) of an artificially drawn line that defines an imaginary isle.
We celebrate and share articles with leading sentences like, “Many Americans appear ready to give [insert name of current or former President here] a pass when it comes to his lack of religious knowledge, sensibilities or behavior, but I think that’s a mistake.” Would we use that same language to describe the visitor on the back pew, or the neighbor we’ve been praying for down the street?
Many believers eagerly embraced the idea this past fall that half of a particular candidate’s followers were irredeemable. And that was a gracious description compared to what they reserved for the candidate. Do we really believe that anyone is irredeemable?
Why do many of my Christian friends champion a march that deliberately excluded people who cherish and value the right to life? Can these positions really be held by people who claim that “Jesus is the subject” and “Our banner is love”?
I’ve heard some defend their views with the excuse, “I’ve heard with my own ears, and seen with my own eyes.” (Forgetting that they saw and heard through news sources that were skewed both right and left and none coming from a spiritual perspective). Did first hand testimony matter (testimony NOT filtered through electronic media and shaped by editors, and producers) when our Redeemer stooped down and started writing in the dust at the feet of those accusers? Was He only the Redeemer of the accusers?
I’m weary. And I long for the church to mature, understand its identity, and reclaim its mission to advance the Kingdom of God. For now, we live in an age of faith “tribes”, nation-state citizenship, regional pride, sports team allegiance, and personal preference. We should celebrate our strengths and appreciate our differences.
I long for the day when political ideology no longer trumps foundational principles of the faith. Unfortunately, I believe we are as stiff-necked as our Old Testament forbearers. In the meantime, if you wish to pass judgment on me please use the one found in Matthew 22:34-40:

“Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

You can find me on FACEBOOK at my Facebook Page ( Here's a link to my Page ( Thanks for reading!