Saturday, April 2, 2011

Trash Talking In Front Of A Minister

If it wasn't for trash talking in front of a seminary student during a rugby scrum this weekend might be very boring.

Jim was a senior at the Presbyterian College of Theology in Montreal.  It was 1890 and one of Jim's friends blurted out a "profanity" during a rugby game. He quickly apologized giving the excuse, "I forgot you were there." Oddly enough, it was this awkward moment that became pivotal in Jim's life.

Jim was a decent athlete as well as a ministry student and began to seriously consider if he could use his love for athletics to minister to young men. He had experienced an internal struggle for a few years; how could he pursue his love for sports and his love for God?

His seminary instructors advised Jim to "leave the evils of the athletic life" and read the books that Christians are supposed to read; to do the things that Christians are supposed to do. The question his seminary peers were asking was, "How could anyone be a good Christian AND play violent sports like lacrosse and rugby?"

But the "trash talking" helped Jim crystallize his resolve. He would have to find a way to use sports to teach biblical truth and morals to people who may not be open to traditional Christian education.

One year later, a few days before Christmas, Jim used his dual passions for ministry and athletics, as well as a challenge from a Physical Education director in Martha's Vineyard and created a brand new indoor game; one that blended the best ideas from several sports including a medieval children's game called "Duck On A Rock".

Within days it became a sensation and it was inexpensive. All you needed was a soccer ball and two peach baskets. It's had a few transformations since then but on December 21st, 1891 James Naismith organized the first basketball game, and the rest is history.

So this weekend, as you cheer for the Butler Bulldogs in the Men's NCAA Tournament remember that it all started almost 120 years ago, when one man decided to harness his passion for athletics and channel it for use in advancing the Kingdom of God.

By the way, what are you passionate about? Could you harness your passion and use it for the glory of God? You don't have to wait for a trash talking friend. Just Do It!

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1 comment:

Wayne said...

I'd call that a quality blog, well told story, great lesson, kept brief. I like!