Saturday, February 7, 2015

Hoosiers - Let's Do It This Time

South Dakota passed one in 1984 and South Carolina passed their version twenty years ago. Last year, Indiana was poised to follow suit but was foiled in the last hour (literally) by people who file suits for a living. The Indiana Volunteer Medical Health Shield bill (HB 1145) is long past due and 2015 is the year to make it happen.

The economy of Indiana continues to exhibit strong growth. The unemployment rate has been cut by more than 28% in two years. With balanced budgets, healthy financial reserves, lower taxes, and increased funding for strategic priorities, Indiana has become the Midwest state that everyone wants to emulate.

But there are still too many Hoosiers who are trapped in a cycle of crisis, where threats to housing, health, and hunger have overwhelmed their lives. One out of every six Hoosiers are considered to have "food insecurity." That's more than one million Indiana residents who struggle to put food on their table. When these people face a decision between groceries or basic medical services, groceries will win every time.

Over time, the neglected health care for these families result in taxpayer funded emergency room visits because of health concerns that cost more, and now take longer to treat. Societal side effects include longer emergency room waits, and occasional delays in identifying real medical crises.

Meanwhile, the State of Indiana has thousands of health care workers, many of whom travel to countries around the world to provide basic health care to individuals in need. These medical workers have the utmost respect for life and have dedicated their lives to the service of humanity. Volunteering comes naturally to many of them. They would welcome the opportunity to volunteer health services in their communities, but Indiana law and the threat of litigation prevents them from helping Hoosiers.

That's where the Volunteer Medical Health Shield bill comes in. House Bill (HB) 1145 would open the door for medical professionals to volunteer in their local communities. Underserved and at-risk youth could receive free sports physicals at a local YMCA or Boys & Girls Club. Seniors on a limited income, could receive a free health screening during a visit to the food pantry.

The Volunteer Medical Health Shield would cost taxpayers nothing, while providing the cost savings realized with fewer taxpayer-funded emergency room visits for primary care needs. The State of Washington, when considering a similar bill, calculated their savings to be at least $6 million over a six month period, with other estimates totaling four times that much!

The human impact would be significant as well. With medical professionals volunteering their expertise, our communities would be healthier. Low-income Hoosiers would be able to use what funds they do have to address other pressing needs. More underserved youth with free physicals would have access to after school and summer sports.

HB 1145 costs nothing, saves millions in taxpayer dollars, strengthens Hoosier communities, and is nonpartisan. The Volunteer Medical Health Shield would be law today if it wasn't torpedoed at the last minute by a handful of individuals who would rather threaten litigation than see professional health care workers serve their neighbors and strengthen their communities. We can't let that happen again.

It's time for Indiana to help thousands of Hoosiers gain free access to basic health services. It’s time to unburden medical professionals from the law, and threats of litigation that prevent them from serving their most vulnerable neighbors. It’s time to free Indiana’s health care workers to pursue their passion to serve those in greatest need. We need the Volunteer Medical Health Shield bill.

Now is the time to contact our State Representatives and Senators and ask them to continue to make Indiana the state that others look to for leadership. Ask them to support the Volunteer Medical Health Shield bill (HB 1145):

Indiana House of Representatives – General Switchboard: (800) 382-9842 or the Office of Rep. Brian Bosma, Speaker of the House at (317) 232-9677

Indiana Senate – General Switchboard: (800) 382-9467 or the Office of Sen. David Long, President Pro Tempore at (317) 232-9416

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